Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chapter One - Workbook Assignment

The first column below holds the Portuguese vocabulary words you should have memorized in this lesson. The column on the right has their translations into English. Type the number next to the vocabulary word into the text box next to the corresponding English translation. The first one has been done for you.

1. a cabeça15. o dedo one eight  
2. o pescoço16. o dedo do pé the arm  the shin
3. o peito17. a junta the joint  the elbow
4. o braço18. um (uma) three  the waist
5. a mão19. dois (duas) the neck  five
6. o cotovelo20. três seven  the foot
7. a cintura21. quatro two  the leg
8. a perna22. cinco the toe  ten
9. o joelho23. seis the head  the knee
10. o pé24. sete four  the wrist
11. a canela25. oito the finger  six
12. o pulso26. nove the thigh  the ankle
13. a coxa27. dez the hand nine
14. o tornozelo the chest


  1. Try the quiz plugin:

  2. Thank you so much.. I wil do that next time!

    I will post the answers soon :)
