Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Extraodinary Brazilian Portuguese Phrases

Tudo bem?
“How’s it going?” (lit. “Everything good?”) A super-common informal greeting. The correct response is also “tudo bem”.
One of the most useful slang words in the Portuguese language, you can uselegal to describe a whole host of things. People can be legal, as can clothes, places, and, ironically, gangster rap.
Como vai, gatinha? “How’s it going, baby?” (lit. “kitten”)
A pretty simple pickup line. I take no responsibility for what happens if you actually try to use it.
O Brasil é lindo maravilhoso! “Brazil is magnificent!”
Lindo maravilhoso is a Brazilian idiom which literally translates to “beautiful marvelous”.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Learn Portuguese for the Mundial Maculele 2015!


We sincerely  want to help you in your journey of mastering Brazilian Portuguese. So, if you are serious about learning this beautiful language, join us today!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chapter One - Workbook Assignment

The first column below holds the Portuguese vocabulary words you should have memorized in this lesson. The column on the right has their translations into English. Type the number next to the vocabulary word into the text box next to the corresponding English translation. The first one has been done for you.

1. a cabeça15. o dedo one eight  
2. o pescoço16. o dedo do pé the arm  the shin
3. o peito17. a junta the joint  the elbow
4. o braço18. um (uma) three  the waist
5. a mão19. dois (duas) the neck  five
6. o cotovelo20. três seven  the foot
7. a cintura21. quatro two  the leg
8. a perna22. cinco the toe  ten
9. o joelho23. seis the head  the knee
10. o pé24. sete four  the wrist
11. a canela25. oito the finger  six
12. o pulso26. nove the thigh  the ankle
13. a coxa27. dez the hand nine
14. o tornozelo the chest

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Basic Capoeira Vocabulary

Body Parts
mao: hand
braco: arm
cabeca: head
cotovelo: elbow
perna: leg
pe: foot
joelho: knee

eu: I
voce: you
ele/ela: he/she
nos: we

quando: when
onde: where
o que: what
por que: why
quem: who
como: how

de novo: again
mais uma vez: one more time
assim: like this
pior: worse
melhor: better
pouco: few/little
muito: many/very
esquerda: left
direita: right
para tras: backwards
para frente: forward
mais: more
menos: less
rapido: fast
devegar: slow

Friday, March 21, 2014

Using Portuguese Exclamations Just Like a Native Speaker

  • Legal! (lay-gow!) (Cool!)
  • Ótimo! (oh-chee-moh!) (Great!)
  • Que bonito! (kee boo-nee-too!) (How beautiful!)
  • Adoro! (ah-doh-roo!) (I love it!)
  • Que gostoso! (kee goh-stoh-zoo!) (How delicious!)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Marinheiro - Professor Be

[Coro] E Marinheiro, E Marinheiro
que leva o navio negreiro, que leva o navio negreiro

E marinheiro, Nao me leva pra senzala
Eu nao quero essa vida, vida triste amargurada

E marinheiro, estou no porao de um navio
Toda noite rezo e peco, pra que nao morra de frio

E marinheiro, com o balance das ondas
Esta noite rezo e peco, pra que nao morra de frio

E marinheiro, e companheiro
Vai levando o navio negreiro, vai levando o navio negreiro

E marinhro, eu nao quero me afogar
Devagar com o navio, ele pode afundar


This song talks about slavery, and the ship (navio negreiro) that the slaves were carried away from Africa.

And, is like someone in the song is asking for the sailor to go slow with the ship, because they might sink.

A great way to practice, is trying to translate this song on your own, and also listen to the video, It will help a lot!!

I hope you enjoy it and if you have any question, please comment bellow!!
Axe Maculele, Axe Capoeira
Thank you Professor Be for this great song!
Obrigada professor Be, por essa otima cantiga!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Numbers in Portuguese

Hello Everyone,

Today's post is about numbers!!
We all know that is every important to know them.
Let's watch the video! (Funny Video)

Also, check out the song!